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Occupational Assessment

Assessment testing plays a vital part in the recruitment process as well as providing a
valuable performance development tool. They are often used as a management tool for team
building, training needs analysis, and skills assessment. We have partnered with Saville and
Holdsworth Ltd (SHL) to provide a range of quality and valid assessment methods.
Occupational assessments provide us with the opportunity to learn more about a persons
ability, working style and behavioral patterns which would not be able to be identified
through the interview process.

Types Of Occupational Assessments Available


  • Personality Profiles

  • Communication, team style profiles

  • Verbal reasoning

  • Numerical reasoning

  • Ability tests eg: Typing speed/accuracy , accounting skills, MS Office suite of

  • 360 degree feedback


Welcome to the Department of Occupational Assessment. We are pleased to offer you a wide

variety of Aptitude Assessments and Short course trainings in the areas of Human Resource
Development (HR) and Employment Relations (ER).


We provide Aptitude Assessments for Recruitment, Career Guidance Programmes and
Personality Assessments for our industry partners and schools across Fiji. Aptitude
Assessment measures critical occupational skills and hence are reliable predictors for success
in the workplace for positions ranging from the floor level to management level. Ideally the
measurement exercise should be an integral part of the recruitment process. This would
ensure streamline of the process and safeguards interest against bad hiring and wrong choices
made in the final selection of individuals.


Some Critical Success Factors Of The Job Include


The 30 years of testing experience with industries in Fiji and also the accreditation attained in
occupational testing, allows the department to provide advice to employers on a professional
level advising them on suitable testing tools and resources to lift the overall quality of
recruitment and selection. Today, with the focus on improving individual and team
performance, the department offers a range of personality testing from Myers Brigg Type
Indicator (MBTI), Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and many more, to lift standards of
communication and interpersonal interaction at the workplace.

Some critical success factors of the job include;

  • Sequential and analytical thinking,

  • Abstract Reasoning,

  • Emotional Intelligence,

  • Work and Management Styles,

  • Personality Factors,

  • Accuracy in Handling Data,

  • Verbal communication skills,

  • Mechanical Reasoning,

  • Calculation Skills,

  • Numerical Awareness and Estimation,

  • Problem Solving & Decision Making,

  • Space Relations,

  • Technical Checking,

  • Manual Dexterity.


Gudra HR Solutions

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